What a fun person she is!
Oh, hey–it’s me. Yup, I’m still here. Thanks for all the emails and messages inquiring as to my whereabouts. I could say something smart like “Well, I’ve been out detecting”, but seriously, sometimes life intervenes, and I just can’t find the time to post as often as I would like.
You’re probably wondering (or not) just what has kept me so busy…. Just life, a change of schedules, less free time, etc… You know–stuff.
So what’s new since last I posted…
Most recently, my not so fabulous Volkswagen, the only car I have ever owned that I suspect hates me (and my metal detector), died again. There I was, just cruising along the Merrit Parkway on a nice Saturday morning, thinking that on my way back home I could stop by my old favorite site–and suddenly, without warning, as I’m in the passing lane, in the midst of passing someone, my car loses all power. No danger there.
Read More “Don’t Buy a VW if you Metal Detect or Not (Part 2) & Skunked at the BONE” »