I’ve been approached by many people complimenting me on my blog, and what I hear most often is “more hunt stories please, more hunt stories“. I’m always surprised and flattered by this, because if you log onto social media these days, you’d likely be convinced that all people care about is seeing photos of finds or links to YouTube videos.
But I have my niche. Despite all the hoopla on social media, the constant barrage of videos, and “lookie what I found” posts, there are still some folks out there who remember what the hobby was before Facebook & YouTube… in the days before reading became passé.
I have a love/hate relationship with social media, with the hate part of it being because I feel forced to have a presence there. Maybe I’m tired from from 8 hours of detecting, want to take a nap, and don’t feel like posting my finds today. But oh no–Facebook keeps reminding me about my stats, so screw sleep, I’m going to clean, photograph, and post that “treasure” I found today so that the statistical information, (that I never requested), can keep reminding me of how great my posts are doing. Yeah, right, I don’t think so.
The love part of it is that one of the benefits of Social media is that you do get to see what others are finding. You no longer have to wonder if folks are finding the same old buttons, buckles, coins or strange relics that you’re finding, and you discover that there are such things as trimes, and gold coins even though you may not have recovered them yourself (yet). You can also get a lot of input on what an item you found might actually be. Some of that input may be questionable or posted in jest, but there are actually some folks out there who are knowledgable about such things, and can identify your whattheheckizit’s.
I get it though. In our new world of instant gratification, its easier to post a video or a pic than to write about something. I post pics myself when I don’t have the time to sit and write for an hour or more. But I’m puzzled that with the popularity of blogs, there are so few metal detecting blogs out there. It’s as if the old saying A picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words has become the new slogan of the hobby.
One of my favorite bloggers recently changed his blog to a “Vlog”, and I was very disappointed. I think the details get lost on film, it’s always the same story, signal, dig plug, locate target, zoom in on it, and talk about how cool it is. The video is only as good as the enthusiasm of the person filming it. And if you want to be known for your personality alone, well then YouTube just might be the place for you. But I also know from experience that editing video takes a lot of time, and then I wonder… don’t any of these people have jobs, families, relationships, or responsibilities? I barely have time to go to the grocery store, and have to get up an hour early in the morning to find time to write. I just don’t get it.

And what a perfect time to mention “The Unicorn”, this is a local guy, but I’m sure there’s more than one of them out there, who shows up at every group hunt with a camera strapped to his head, videoing everything, even people’s conversations. Since realizing his camera (unicorn horn) is always turned on, I’ve stopped talking to him, and stay out of an area if I know he’s around. It annoys the heck out of me, especially when I’m digging a hole, look up, and see his head turned in my direction. If your going to film people and post it on your YouTube channel, at least ask if they mind. Otherwise it’s just plain rude.
Yes, we live in a world where there are video cameras on every street corner, I’m aware of that, and can imagine just how many times I’ve been filmed without my knowledge, but this is metal detecting, and generally not in a high crime or traffic area where such things are necessary. It’s my hobby, my private time with friends, enjoying what I love to do, and even though I’m a generation X’er, raised on the cusp of all these technological breakthroughs, I’m still part old school. Filming your recoveries and time out in the field is one thing, but filming everyone and everything is another. I personally feel it’s an invasion of my privacy, and privacy still matters to me.
I’m not immune to getting sucked into the whole social media whirlwind either. I whined and whined for that darn GoPro camera, because with my passion and creativity, I knew if I put the time and effort into it, I could make some darn good videos—and all of them perfectly timed to be within the 3 minute attention span one has for such things.
So where are these videos? Fabulous question, and I’m sure the wonderful person who bought me the GoPro is wondering the same thing… But I had to ask myself–Do I want to have a blog or a YouTube channel? Do I want to be a writer, or a no budget film maker? And the reality is that it doesn’t take much talent to film yourself digging a hole, but it takes a heck of a lot of talent to be able to write about digging holes and keep it interesting.
Sure, there are a few good YouTube channels where the person creating the videos takes pride in what they put out there, and the videos are actually entertaining, but the key word here is “few”. I’ve seen some videos that just blow me away with their full 15 minutes of mind numbing coil swinging leading up to 20 seconds of someone yelling “wahoo” as a Buffalo nickel is recovered. Really?
But, as with everything else on social media, it’s all about the views–Who cares if it’s a sucky video, it must be amazing in some way because it has 12,347 views!

I enjoy the instructional videos, like how to clean coins, re-tune your pinpointer, get the most out of your machine, etc…. But what has been kind of alarming to me recently, is the increase of videos and pics that at times make me feel embarrassed to be a woman. You guys know the ones I’m talking about, they’re probably your favorites. Who cares what she found, she’s showing skin! Or better yet, major cleavage—woo hoo!!
Don’t get me wrong here, I’m still young enough to understand why they do it, and if that’s what they want to be known for, then more power to them, it’s just not something I want to be known for.
The younger generation thinks they know it all and they live in the moment, and that’s okay, because we all did that too. We’ve lived it already, that’s why we now shake our heads, and why those pics and videos sometimes embarrass me.
I used to detect in camo pants and a wife beater too. Just look at my signature blog photo, the photo I am most known for above. That was my clothing of choice in the summer months, but all it took was one photo of me bending over looking at a find, with the girls all hanging out to put an end to that whole fashion faux paus. It just wasn’t the image I wanted to, um, pardon the pun, “display”.
I did put one cleavage shot out there as a joke for a meme, and I don’t regret it, because it was kind of funny, but if they were all like that, who would take me seriously? Breasts will eventually sag, and skin will wrinkle, but detecting is ageless. It’s my lifestyle, and my passion, and I will be doing this as long as I can, whether my breasts can keep up or not, and I want people to read my blog because its real, not because I’ve got breasts.
I better stop myself right here, or this will be classified as a rant. Which it probably already is, but, whatever, it’s my blog, I can write what I want. Besides, who knows, someday I may just take that GoPro out of the box and create that 3 minute YouTube video that (sucky or not) goes viral, or suddenly decide to wear tank tops again, and then have to eat my words.
Happy Hunting Ladies–this is just my opinion, and I’ve been asked to speak out, but frankly I’m torn, so, ignore the hecklers, and embrace the fans, ’cause this whirlwind will eventually end, and in the end, your going to do what you want to do anyway.
Allyson, you’ve nailed it and summed up a lot of what’s been bothering me. I talked about this in a recent blog post titled “The Social Media Saga” and it only seems to have gotten worse with social media infighting and drama. I sure wish we could slow down, step back, look at how we’re being perceived and portrayed. And like you I wonder how so many of these folks are able to go detecting 24/7.
Finally I have to admit that a year ago I did put up a video of me detecting. I had to take it down quickly however. Too many gals were coming on to me and all they wanted was more cleavage……
Thanks for teliing it like it is…..
Until you both mentioned certain parts of the anatomy…I really hadn’t noticed. Have to check again….
Thanks for adding some more fuel to the fire John 🙂
Well Dick, I did not realize this was such a hot button issue. I did write about other things, not just breasts, but apparently all anyone cares about is breasts, breasts, breasts!
Yeah, no one cares about my but crack photos….
Tee hee hee!
Sharing to Girls Rock Metal Detecting! Love reading your blog! Just want to say that I have been blogging for longer than I have been detecting. I love the written word and find that so much expression and feeling can be conveyed in a written story that can never be captured in my videos. This is why I do it all. (And why I’m over a month behind on my videos lol) I myself work 40 hours a week, have a house to keep up, chores, errands, gardening, and of course digging!!! I wonder why I never get any sleep!!! It leaves me NO time to get involved in childish school yard social media fights though, which is nice. I’ve actually been kicked out of groups and unfriended by some of the most “facebook famous” people because I refuse to be pulled in to the madness. As for that part of it, being a “strong minded women”, I say wear what you want — no one has a right to tell you otherwise. However, if you let your tah-tahs out in the breeze, don’t pretend to be shocked when you get a backlash. I am very careful with the angles and images I post and women who DO use their assets to their advantage know precisely what they’re about–I say if you’re going to do it, own it! But have fun dealing with all the comments that will follow! As for the filming thing…. I HATE that. I was in the park the other day and some young boy was filming and I thought.. man I’m now an “extra” in this boy’s Youtube video. No no no no no. Ask any one of my friends/family, if you try to take my picture or film me, I will KILL you. I film when i have the nerve up and on my own terms (I actually HATE being on camera, and my Youtube vids are an exercise in stepping outside of my comfort zone which is challenging, exhilarating, and also terrifying!!) But I would never film someone else without asking. Mostly I film my finds, myself, my scenery – i never give up a location or someone’s house or license plates or … But you know I come from a world of law and law enforcement which is a whole other blog!! –Love ya girl! xoxo
Wow Kimmie, thanks for the great comments. I remember some of that drama a while back, it was crazy. I have managed to avoid all that by not commenting on such things, but eventually it pulls you in, as evidenced by this post.
I wasn’t pointing anyone in particular out, just noticed a lot of breasts when I log onto Facebook lately, and I’m like wtf is going on here? Did I miss something?
If people want to unfriend me for my opinions, then whatever.
It’s like when people were fighting over the election, and everyone was unfriending people for their political views, and I’m over here in my pajamas, wondering if I should make chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies.
I agree that the written word conveys so much more. Videos are not bad, if done properly, but words really tell a story. Unfortunately it seems as if we’re a dying breed, but I will die in my blog, not in a video.
Happy Hunting Lady, Love ya too!
Thanks again for a wonderful blog I did enjoy reading it and agree with you, words and photos can be more descriptive in a short period of time then watching a video of waving a wand listening for the beeps and watching someone dig a hole to find a pull tab. Even if as you say the girls are hanging out. After the first few seconds that becomes as boring as the pull tabs. I see enough of them pull tabs that is when I am out enjoying the hobby. As for your meme photo I thought it was very tastefully done and you look great .
Hi Ron, I’m glad you enjoy the blog. I’m starting to see that a lot of folks feel the same way, it’s unfortunate though that some people, I’m told, think I was singling them out. Ah well, I’m no angel, I’ve showed cleavage in the past, and I did think it was funny. Classy but funny. Thanks for the comments, and Happy Hunting!
UGH THE UNICORN! … I COULDN’T AGREE MORE!!! I’ve experienced the same thing, only this guy had his camera on a shovel handle. I didn’t even know I was being filmed, and like you said, if someone is going to post a video of you, the least they could do is ask first, because it is rude. It’s all about courtesy and respect of others. Sure, they want views, but there’s also a responsibility to respect others and allow them to enjoy the event without the paparazzi following them around. lol
I enjoy your articles and if ya shoot vids, I’ll watch, not because you’re a hottie, but because I know you would put thought into your videos. And because you’re a hottie…LOL I agree though, less breasts and more finds ladies!
You gotta realize, from some website’s perspectives, it’s all about views, advertising revenue and content. Sex sells, heck I learned that in 6th grade art class… it’s as true today as it was back then. Look at every commercial on tv, every advertisement on billboards, instagram, etc etc and you will see that the chicks bring clicks, it is what it is…lol We’re the old school now, hahhaa time’s are a changin’.
Keep doing you and let them do them, we like you just the way you are! or choose to be in the future. You’re THE Detecting Diva!
Ha ha ha–you really made me laugh out loud, and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who gets annoyed by unicorn types. You would not believe the amount of texts I got today about it.
I don’t think I could find the time I know it takes to edit all that video, but I have no doubt that if I did decide to make videos, they would be awesome.
Thanks for the compliments, I don’t look that bad I guess for a grandma. I still feel 20 in my heart, and some days I can pass for 40, but you’re right, we’re old school now.
Allison this was your best blog to date! You hit the nail on the head. You also made me laugh in the process! That’s why I love reading your blog’s. Keep em coming, and I patiently waiting for that Vlog it will be great!
Hey Woody-
So nice to hear from you. I was really bummed we didn’t get to drink all that Malibu at Blackthorne, but it was a different type of hunt. Glad I finally got to meet your wife too. Thank her again for watching Abby while we hunted, that was really nice of her.
People have been contacting me all day telling me I nailed it. I was not aware so many people shared my opinions. Kind of took me by surprise.
And I’m glad I make you laugh. I always hope I might give someone a chuckle or two. It’s pretty easy to put little humor in my posts, because I write about my experiences, and most times, my experiences are pretty darn funny.
Hope to see you soon!