If you ever wanted to build your own metal detector, detecting gear and accessories, or create your own unique artwork from relics–whether to save money, just for fun, or because you’re a do it yourself person, below are some links you might find helpful (or amusing).
Build your own metal detector:
This is a very odd looking machine. I personally wouldn’t want my buddies to see me detecting with it, unless maybe it was pink.
Cool concept, but a little small, and what if it rains?
I like this detector. It has a low profile, Scandinavian, light wood style about it. It would be right at home as a decoration in my Ikea style living room. http://www.instructables.com/id/Metal-Detector/
I’m not really sure what you would use this detector for–
maybe finding paper clips?
This looks like a decent design, even though the inventor has no taste in tablecloths.
More detector links:
How to make your own pinpointer:
Seems simple enough.
I like the design, it doesn’t look homemade.
Make your own sandscoop:

Pretty cool do it yourself scoop.
Note: This is not an Olympus digital camera as the inventors photo suggests.
Sand scoop video:
Make your own headphones:
Pretty detailed instructions.
Make your own metal detecting pouch:
Seems like an easy project, but again, I would like mine to be pink.
Make a metal detector stand?:
I don’t think I would have a need for this item,
but it may be just perfect for some folks.
Making a coil from scratch:
Hey, if it works…
My personal favorite:
A Metal Detector Robot, do-it-yourself kit for the detectorist who has everything.
Horse shoe art:
For those of you who artistic, here are some cool horse shoe art designs. A quick search of “horse shoe art” on google brings up thousands more. Some of them are simply amazing. I did look up “oxen shoe art”, and unfortunately there were no fab oxen shoe pieces of art out there. Looks like I’ll be holding onto my collection for a while.
Have Fun!
I need to find or make something that will recover a target without me bending over. In the meantime I’m working reducing my pull tab collection…..
OMG that is too funny! I can’t imagine it would be too comfortable to wear though.
These are some diy’s that I’d love to try. There are a lot of metal wires from a construction site and I’d really love to get rid of those if I actually found them and I think a good metal detector would do the job perfectly.